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At Seratone we pride ourselves in our passion for creation.
Being involved in the creative process is just as important to us as the technical side of our service.

Song/Album Production

If you’re looking for help in making your songs sound the way they are in your head, or if you’re looking for creative input to bring you songs to life, a producer is a key element to your recording studio experience. Not only is is helpful to have a seasoned pair of ears to offer suggestions, but it is our job as producers to serve the song and turn it into the best possible version it can be. This whole production process can be customized to your liking; whether that is creating together in studio, or bouncing ideas off each other and collaborating from a distance. Ask about examples of songs that I’ve produced from scratch so you can hear for yourself. 

Composition and Scoring

Originality does not consist in saying what no one has ever said before, but in saying exactly what you think yourself. - James Stephens